
Flavors” are different variants of AXP.OS which came up with the EOL of Divest which AXP.OS was based on up to the end of 2024.

AXP.OS - Pro vs. Slim

The differences are described here: Features

AXP.OS - Slim vs. DivestOS

Most requested comparisons between the Slim flavor and DivestOS.

Note: The differences between the AXP.OS Pro and Slim flavor is described here: Features

MicroG implementation

Click to reveal
not a privileged system app or system appXX
not pre-installedXX
no special permissionsXX
user must install the apps themselfXX
no automatically granted permissionsXX
only available to the profile the user installed it toXX
all abilities default disabled/opt-inXX
has warnings on enable and warnings on websiteXX
can’t access locationXX
signature spoofing gated behind a toggleXX
spoofing bound to the official microG build certificatesXX¹
can only spoof the Google signatureXX¹
blocked SafetyNet DroidguardX²
gated with version code and target SDK checksX²
Spoofing permission on FakeStore / PlayStore app must be explicitly grantedX
Spoofing permission on microG app must be explicitly grantedX
  • ¹) The user decides per permission setting if other signatures are allowed
  • ²) Can be implemented, if there is a demand / request for this.

There is a issue pending which will adapt the current implementation to fit the DivestOS one here.

Switching between flavors


Switching between flavors require a factory reset. This is the only way to ensure there are no left-overs and glitches.

The same applies when switching from DivestOS to AXP.OS (regardless which flavor).

  1. When your device bootloader is locked: unlock it (as this will factory reset, skip the next step)
  2. boot into recovery and format data/factory reset
  3. grab the recovery/boot image from the other flavor (Recovery Images)
    (e.g. if you want to go Slim -> Pro then get the Pro one)
  4. flash the other flavor recovery/boot image in fastboot (e.g. fastboot flash recovery AXP.OS-18.1-20250124-RECOVERY-klte.img)
  5. boot into recovery and follow the Install / Upgrade" topic from AXP.OS device’s guide, ensure you flash to BOTH slots!
  6. let it boot, verify everything is working as it should and verify its the wanted flavor in Android settings
  7. once you are happy and if you want to re-lock your bootloader: see the “Re-locking the bootloader” topic from AXP.OS device’s guide


Switching between flavors without a factory reset (i.e. keeping all user data and apps) is technically possible while totally unsupported. In order to achieve this you would need to use a different recovery (i.e. the recovery image of the flavor you want to install).

The same applies when switching from DivestOS to AXP.OS (regardless which flavor).

When your device supports bootloader re-locking and you currently have your bootloader locked you HAVE TO unlock and so factory reset as flavors have different signing keys.

A non-exclusive list of things which can happen if you ignore all warnings:

  • soft brick
  • hard brick
  • unusual high battery drain
  • App FC’s (Force Closes)
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