Play Store
AXP.OS will ship the latest (stable) Play Store during its regular OS builds but if you do not want to wait you can update the play store manually as well.
AXP.OS users
- browse to the Release page
- expand “Assets” at the release you want to install
- download the latest “Phonesky_AXP-OS-signed.apk”
- install it via e.g.
adb install Phonesky_AXP-OS-signed.apk
- verify the version via
App info
note: you can install only the -signed
variants on AXP.OS as these are signed with the AXP.OS app key.
Any other Play Store (e.g. downloaded elsewhere) will be rejected and can’t be installed on AXP.OS.
non-AXP.OS users
If you want to use this Play Store version on any other OS than AXP.OS you are in general free to use the signed or unsigned variant - while it is strongly recommended using the signed one.
The process is slightly different then though, please follow the README for the how-to.
In general that should work fine while it is not tested nor supported by AXP.OS.
Turn-off “Update Google Play services” notification
see: here
Last updated on