Recovery Images

AXP.OS comes with a restricted and limited recovery which ensures no one can tamper with your device (as far as possible - as the bootloader cannot be locked on every device).

Official AXP.OS recovery

The recommended way to install AXP.OS when you come from any OS including STOCK or when switching between Flavors.

That being said there is one exception to this rule:
If there is a factory image available (e.g. any Google Pixel device) it is required to flash the factory image via fastboot (see the installation guide for your device!) for the very first flash. If you switch between Flavors you can safely use the recovery instead as they share the same firmware.

Official AXP.OS recovery images can be found in the subdirectory named recovery/ of each device’s download path.

Flashing the recovery image depends on the device but is usually made in fastboot mode:

fastboot flash recovery AXP.OS-18.1-20250124-RECOVERY-klte.img

or if there is no dedicated recovery partition:

fastboot flash boot AXP.OS-18.1-20250124-BOOT-fajita.img

Custom recovery

AXP.OS provides OTA (Over The Air) updates which are signed with the releasekey to allow verifying the integrity of an update. That means:

  • when the Updater downloaded a new build it verifies the signature and fails if it is compromised
  • when the AXP.OS recovery loads an update via ADB sideload it verifies the signature and fails if it is compromised

Read here how and where to find those keys: build-signatures


AXP.OS comes with its own recovery so if you flash a custom recovery it might gets overwritten on next update (does not apply to devices having a dedicated recovery partition AND when they opt-out from updating the recovery)! Even worse if you own a device which does not have a dedicated recovery partition (e.g. the OnePlus 6T) flashing TWRP will remove Magisk and last but not least in a worst case scenario it can even brick your device if your booloader is locked.


Sometimes it is required to boot into a more advanced recovery and while not supported you can check my own TWRP builds or the latest official ones:

Official TWRP builds

(often older and well - official)

Main page: all devices

Unofficial TWRP builds

(often newer, more features, often more bugfixes - but unofficial)

Main page: all devices

Usage (official TWRP or not)

fastboot boot twrp.img

or if that fails:

fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
fastboot reboot-recovery # or use the key combo for your device
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