Non A/B devices


Non-A/B devices do not have different slots for it’s bootloader stack.


  1. a recent recovery image (see Recovery Images for options)
  2. a PC to load AXP.OS in recovery (OTA is supported once installed)
  3. an unlocked bootloader (not part of this guide! use to find instructions)

New to AXP.OS but not on latest vendor firmware (or unsure)

When you are not sure or it is the very first time flashing AXP.OS:

  1. flash latest device firmware as described in the device’s install section
  2. boot into recovery (e.g. by adb reboot recovery)
  3. flash AXP.OS (e.g. with adb sideload
  4. boot into system / AXP.OS

New to AXP.OS but latest vendor firmware

When you are 100% sure that you’re on the latest supported firmware and never flashed AXP.OS before:

  • use your recovery as usual to flash AXP.OS (once) and you’re done

Update AXP.OS

See Updating AXP.OS

Final note


AXP.OS comes with its own recovery so if you flash a custom recovery it usually gets overwritten on next update! Even worse if you own a device which does not have a dedicated recovery partition (e.g. the OnePlus 6T) flashing TWRP will remove Magisk and needs to be manually re-flashed afterwards, so causing just trouble at the end.

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