Hide Root

Some applications have very strict requirements before they will work. This affects mostly banking apps but also some company apps or apps from your government, etc.

The main culprit here is to follow the topics here briefly, really. step by step. If you miss a single step all will fail and of course there is no guarantee it works for all apps - while it does for many.

such an app causing issues because of device checks is named “trouble-app” in the next topics.


There are usually multiple types of checks:

  1. root check
  2. partly covered here: custom OS check (Insular is often enough to trick some apps)
  3. not covered here: AVB (Android verified boot) state
  4. not covered here: Safetynet / Play integrity/certified and for >= A13 here

The problem is that the implementation in how and how deep they check differs and is of course app dependent. So even though the following guide works for many it may not work for you, i.e. only in situations where the app just checks for the existence of root and simple custom OS checks.


For each of those checks which are not covered here Magisk modules may exist:

AXP.OS strongly discourages using any of these if you do not want to expose your whole system to a third party. They might work just fine, might don’t do any harm and are not suspicious at all but we cannot and will not check or approve any of these modules.

Last but not least:
If your bootloader is in locked state Magisk modules can even brick your whole device!

Simple hide

The following is quite easy to use and quickly done but it does not work for all apps:

  1. uninstall your trouble-app (or force close and clear storage(!) - not just the cache)
  2. install the trouble-app but do NOT start it yet
  3. open Magisk -> settings gear icon
  4. select Hide the Magisk app
  5. give it a name you easily remember, e.g. SettingsNG or anything non-suspicious (i.e. do not name it MyRootApp etc)
  6. if you have installed a work-profile manager like Insular uninstall the now HIDDEN Magisk app from that work profile (in the App drawer simply search for the hidden custom Magisk app name you created before -> select work profile apps tab -> long press -> uninstall)
  7. enable Zygisk
  8. enable to force the deny list
  9. open the denial list
  10. find your trouble-app and select ALL sub-options of that app (if you touch it it opens up)
  11. reboot

Start your trouble-app. If it works now - GREAT! if not don’t worry, go on with the next topic

Advanced hide

The recommended work profile manager is: Insular (recommended)*

  1. install & start the work-profile manager to set it up
  2. uninstall your trouble-app (or force close and clear storage(!) - not just the cache). yes you have to do that again if you followed the above topic.
  3. install the trouble-app but do NOT start it (ever)
  4. open Magisk -> settings gear icon
  5. select Hide the Magisk app
  6. give it a name you easily remember, e.g. SettingsNG or anything non-suspicious (i.e. do not name it MyRootApp etc)
  7. enable Zygisk
  8. enable to force the deny list
  9. open the denial list
  10. find your trouble-app and select ALL sub-options of that app (if you touch it it opens up)
  11. do NOT start the trouble-app! actually you will NEVER start it from here and you can not uninstall** it either!
  12. open the work-profile manager Insular
  13. in the tab “Island” find the hidden custom Magisk app name you created before and remove/uninstall it from there (i.e NOT from Mainland). this has to be done after every AXP.OS upgrade (see topic “IMPORTANT”).
  14. clone the trouble-app into your work profile (Tab “Mainland” -> select trouble-app -> press “+” icon)
  15. in the tab “Island” find the trouble-app and create a quick start launcher (select -> 3dots -> Create Unfreeze & Launch shortcut)
  16. place it on your home screen and start it - and only THAT from now on (i.e. not from your main profile)

If it works now - GREAT! but ensure you read the next IMPORTANT topic!

If it does not work:

  • It can make sense to try another work-profile manager if the above way fails for you as the app devs are using different techniques.
  • If it still does detect root or a custom OS you either have not followed the above steps briefly or you are out of luck.

*) examples for other work-profile managers: Shelter, (if you do not care about google trackers: Island), or [fill-in-another] ,…..

**) You cannot uninstall the trouble-app from android (ever) because otherwise Magisk hide will not work. so you always need to keep that app(s) but remember: NEVER start it/them!

IMPORTANT: AXP.OS updates (Pro flavor)


Magisk will clone itself into the work profile whenever you select to hide/unhide it. This is absolutely important to know as the root check of an app will for sure check if there is the origin Magisk app installed.

That means after every AXP.OS update (where you always should unhide Magisk before) you have to open your work-profile manager (e.g. Insular) and remove the Magisk version there before you are safe again, so:

  1. before an AXP.OS upgrade: unhide Magisk, see the next topic Undo hide (and do not start any apps)
  2. do the AXP.OS upgrade
  3. after the upgrade: hide Magisk again, remember its name and remove it from the work profile

Undo hide

  1. open Magisk -> settings gear icon
  2. select Restore the Magisk App
  3. if you have installed a work-profile manager like Insular uninstall Magisk app from that work profile (in the App drawer simply search for “Magisk” -> select work profile apps tab -> long press -> uninstall)
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