Build AXP.OS


This guide is marked as outdated and requires a re-work

AXP.OS is build the “traditional” way, no docker, no other container based performance killers…. but to make life easier everything is fully automated. While it is possible to build the traditional way without automation it is not supported or covered here. Instead you should setup the automation as described because several very important tasks are available within the automated process only (e.g patching etc)!


Control node

The control node holds the automation software:

  • Ansible 2.9 or later - see here
    • |+ ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
  • Semaphore UI - see here

Recommended specs (standalone, i.e. when using a separate build system):

  • 8 CPU cores
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 20 GB free disk space
  • can run in LXC, docker, full VM, or even on your laptop/PC

Ansible + Semaphore must run on the same machine while your build system can be the same system or a complete different one. Ansible will connect by SSH to the build system or keeps everything local - depending on your config.

Note: This guide does not cover the configuration of Ansible nor Semaphore. Use their corresponding documentation page to do so. Usually that is a 5-10 min task so don’t worry ;)

If you want to share logs for troubleshooting etc:

sudo apt install gist
gist-paste --login
(follow the steps to authorize)

Build system

AXP.OS supports Ubuntu (22.04 LTS) only while others might work, too.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt full-upgrade && sudo apt -f install && sudo apt autoremove
sudo ln -s /usr/include/asm-generic /usr/include/asm

sudo apt install aapt autoconf automake bc bison build-essential ccache curl expat flex g++ gawk gcc gcc-multilib git-core git-lfs g++-multilib gnupg gperf lib32ncurses5-dev lib32z1-dev lib32z-dev libc6-dev libc6-dev-i386 libcap-dev libcloog-isl-dev libesd0-dev libexpat1-dev libgcc1:i386 libgl1-mesa-dev libgmp-dev libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libtool libx11-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop maven ncurses-dev openjdk-8-jdk patch pkg-config pngcrush python-all-dev schedtool squashfs-tools subversion texinfo unzip x11proto-core-dev xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev imagemagick repo firejail optipng jpegoptim openssl vim wget python3-colorama python3-pip python3-pyperclip bsdmainutils dos2unix

pip install pygerrit2

When building for Android 9 or 10 only

add the deprecated version 2 of python as a virtual environment (do not change any paths here as they are used within the automation process):

sudo apt-get install python2 virtualenv python2-pip-whl python2-setuptools-whl
mkdir -p ~/.venv/python2
virtualenv --python=$(which python2) ~/.venv/python2

Setup Semaphore

  1. create a new project
  2. Key Store:
    • name: NoKey
    • Type: None
  3. Repositories:
    • name: sfX-automation
    • URL:
    • branch: ansible
    • Access Key: NoKey
  4. Environment:
    • name: AXP-<model>-<Android-Version>
    • Extra Variables, depending on what you want to build:
  "ROM_FLAVOR": "axp",
  "target_model": "hotdog",
  "android_shortversion": "a13",
  "git_repo_main_branch": "lineage-20.0",
  "post_cleanup": "true",
  "clean_basic": "true",
  "clean_out": "true",
  "reset_git": "true",
  "sign_build": "true",
  "release_build": "true",
  "nolog_gitreset": "true",
  "axp_allow_permissive": false
  1. Inventory
    • name: default

    • type: Static YAML
      use localhost here if you build on the same machine where Ansbile + Semaphore are running. otherwise Ansible will try to connect to this machine to actually start building. So if you use a different system ensure you can reach that one from your Automation server.

      This is how it should look like when using the same system as build server where Ansible+Semaphore are running:

# never use TABs here!!!!!

# buildserver is either localhost or a remote system
# the following setup is when using semaphore/ansible on the same
# machine
        ansible_connection: local

    BUILDHOME: "/opt/semaphore" # the home path of the semaphore user
    semaphore_lock_dir: "{{ BUILDHOME }}/run" # semaphore run files
    semaphore_work_dir: "{{ BUILDHOME }}/data" # must match semaphore's config.json
    repo_bin: "{{ BUILDHOME }}/.local/bin/repo" # full path to your repo binary
    android_build_path: "/opt/data/development/android_build"   # root path of where you wanna place android sources
    DOSPATH: "{{ android_build_path }}/{{ ROM_FLAVOR }}"    # divest path (keep it like that if unsure)
    CCACHE_DIR: "{{ android_build_path }}/ccache"   # full path where to place ccache data
    max_processes: 18   # max cpu count for building/checking out sources
    max_processes_sync: 8   # max cpu count for repo sync cmds (be careful as u can get rate limited easily)
    ZIPDIR: "{{ BUILDHOME }}/zips/{{ target_model }}" # target directory for the final OS zips

#    SEPARATE_OUT_DIR: "/ssd/{{ target_model }}/{{ ROM_FLAVOR }}-{{ android_shortversion }}/out"

# note: if semaphore_work_dir and BUILDHOME differ (like in the above example)
# you have to symlink the .ansible dirs like that:
#ln -s <semaphore_work_dir>/.ansible <BUILDHOME>/
#ln -s <semaphore_work_dir>/.ansible_async <BUILDHOME>/
#ln -s <semaphore_work_dir>/.gitconfig <BUILDHOME>/
  1. Task Templates:
    • name: AXP - A13 - hotdog
    • Playbook Filename: plays/build.yml
    • Inventory: default
    • Repository: sfX-automation
    • Environment: AXP-<model>-<Android-Version>


Define Survey Variables to interactively change parts of the build process:

Task Template - Survey Variables

Dirty or clean build (overrides clean_out from your Environment)

  • name: override_clean_out
  • Title: Clean build?
  • Description: true | false

Build instructions

  1. Task Templates
  2. Click Build



check your Ansible log ( -> log_path)


Every build once started(!) will generate a build log on the [buildserver] (see your inventory) in the home directory of the user in the format:


Example: ~/build_hotdog_a13_axp.log

Last updated on