[A]dvanced [XP]erience [OS]
The main goal of this project is to strive for a balance between a
privacy and
yet usable
Operating System - and last but not least … even for advanced* users.
*i.e. including full control over your own device - if desired
The project name
- full project name:
[A]dvanced [XP]erience [OS]
,The AXP.OS Project
- shortened:
(when a dot is not allowed),AOS
- NOT a valid short name: AOSP
The OS
No, this is not a ROM, a term often used for hacky adjustments of existing OS builds.
AXP.OS is a fully-fledged operating system in its own right, i.e. an Operating System.
- based on*: LineageOS which itself is based on AOSP
- using massively patches from: GrapheneOS
- using several patches from: CalyxOS
- using several patches from: DivestOS by Divested Computing Group
- on top of this: massive enhancements and additions by the AXP.OS project
- details about the above can be found at the Technical Details page
*) since January 2025 due to the EOL of DivestOS
The Credits
Besides the above mentioned projects AXP.OS appreciates the work of the whole Open Source community.
In order to keep this page readable all credits can be found here.
Project Milestones
- new website using HUGO running hextra theme
- shifting device guides from Github to https://axpos.org basing on templates to ease maintenance and adding new devices
- CVE Kernel patcher adapted and automated! Read all about the journey here
- adapted/replaced/optimized/removed almost all dependencies we had with DivestOS
- Shifting (or removing) all major DivestOS dependencies to own implementations
- introduced AXP.OS flavors, providing a Slim version mainly for DivestOS “refugees”
- introduced AOSmium the AXP.OS Browser + WebView
- fully adapting ASB patching (Android sources) to own automation processes
- The EOL of DivestOS, the base for AXP.OS up to this time.
- finalized Reproducible builds
- introduced Reproducible builds
- Initial project start / first public(!) appearance